Program To Send SMS Using pop() in Set Data Structure

Set Data StructurePYTHON PROGRAMMING Program To Send SMS Using pop() in Set Data Structure Program s={30,33,24,26,26,25,27,27,23,22,21} while len(s)!=0: n=s.pop() print(“Sending sms to the mobile number”,n) Output E:>py Sending sms to the mobile number 33 Sending sms to the mobile number 21 Sending sms to […]

Student Management Application-Mini Project-Python

MINI APPLICATIONPYTHON PROGRAMMING STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM- MINI PROJECT n=int(input(‘Enter number of students:’)) d={} for i in range(n): name=input(“Enter Student name:”) marks=int(input(“Enter Student Marks:”)) d[name]=marks print(“Student insertion Completed………”) print(‘*’*10) print(‘Name’,’tt’,’Marks’) print(‘*’*10) for k,v in d.items(): print(k,’tt’,v) print(‘Search operation Started……..’) while True: name=input(“Enter Student name to find […]